Lucky - Two headed calf
Lucky was born on a farm in Kentucky. In the seven years that the McCubbins have been operating the farm, they had never seen anything like her.She has two mouths, two noses, and four eyes – two of which share one socket.
Polycephaly is the condition of having more than one head.
Lucky’s condition might not be true polycephaly. It’s more accurate to say she has two faces than two heads, but she was wonderfully unique all the same. The McCubbins think that although she has two faces, Lucky has one brain because when they feed her from a bottle, both of her mouths move in unison.
Lucky’s condition might not be true polycephaly. It’s more accurate to say she has two faces than two heads, but she was wonderfully unique all the same. The McCubbins think that although she has two faces, Lucky has one brain because when they feed her from a bottle, both of her mouths move in unison.
However, there was good signs for Lucky initial days! She can stand on her own, although but she had balance problems. She also had a endency to walk in a circle, but she was eating and making a strong effort for those.
One common aspect of calves with polycephaly is that sadly, they don’t live long. So she is not a one escaped from that pattern as well.
McCubbin said the calf had been in weakened state in the days before her death. she was making a strange noise about 10 minutes before she died. The family buried the calf by a creek on their farm.
McCubbin said the calf took naps with the four McCubbin children. McCubbin said her kids took the calf's death well and that “she was the one who was a mess.”
Prior to Lucky’s record of 108 days, the oldest two-headed calf recorded lived for 40 days.
Sources: Wikipedia, Google Images and Youtube video
Lucky - Two headed calf
Reviewed by Vinoth Vellaisamy
November 28, 2018

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