Tax - Free countries

United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven emirates, with autonomous emirate and local governments. The United Arab Emirates does not have any federal income tax. An income tax decree has been enacted by each Emirate, but in practice, the enforcement of these decrees is restricted to foreign banks and to oil companies.


           There are no property taxes to be paid and wealth tax is also non-existent. The taxation situation helps to make not only Oman, but the whole of the Gulf region attractive to expats, as they can earn a decent salary without all the deductions that they may have in their country of origin.


Bahrain is a tax free economy with no withholding tax, no corporate tax, no income tax and no VAT, which significantly contributed to a great influx of foreign investors in Bahrain. There are however, certain taxes imposed on oil, gas and petroleum. 

Tax - Free countries Tax - Free countries Reviewed by Vinoth Vellaisamy on April 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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