New Continent in the earth - 8th Continent
Zealandia, also known as the New Zealand continent or Tasmantis, is a nearly submerged mass of continental crust that sank after breaking away from Australia 60–85 million years ago, having separated from Antarctica between 85 and 130 million years ago.
A HIDDEN continent has been located beneath the Pacific Ocean in an astonishing discovery by researchers. The vast landmass, which is attached to New Zealand, has been named Zealandia.It was discovered by a team of 11 researchers using upgraded satellite-based elevation and gravity map technology.
They found that New Zealand and neighbouring New Caledonia are part of a vast 1.89 million square-mile single slab of continental crust that is separate from Australia.
"This is not a sudden discovery but a gradual realisation; as recently as 10 years ago we would not have had the accumulated data or confidence in interpretation to write this paper," they wrote in GSA Today, a Geological Society of America journal.
Ten of the researchers work for organisations or companies within the new continent; one works for a university in Australia.
Sources: wikipedia, & Google Images
New Continent in the earth - 8th Continent
Reviewed by Vinoth Vellaisamy
April 15, 2018

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