Morphing Techniques

         Morphing is an image processing technique typically used as an animation tool for the metamorphosis from one image to another. The whole metamorphosis from one image to the other consists of fading out the source image and fading in the destination image.Morphing describes the action taking place when one image (in this case a digital image) gets transformed into another or, in a more technical way, Morphing describes the combination of generalised image warping with cross-dissolve between image elements.

 Advantages & Disadvantages
         The probably biggest advantage of this technique is that it is very impressive and the animator is free to position the lines he wants for the image to build the reference base lines during the morphing process, corresponding from the source image to the destination image.

        The two biggest disadvantages of the feature-based technique are speed and control. Because it is global, all line segments need to be referenced for every pixel, which can cause speed problems. 

          In some line combinations and special transformation processes unexpected and unwanted interpolations are generated, that cause additional fixing effort.

         The morphing techniques introduced in this document have one thing in common: they concentrate on a topic of computer graphics, which is one of the most fascinating aspects of computer graphics.  

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Morphing Techniques Morphing Techniques Reviewed by Vinoth Vellaisamy on April 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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