Different shaped Watermelon

Square watermelons:

                  Square watermelons are watermelons grown into the shape of a cube. This is generally intended for space efficiency in small refrigerators. The practice of growing cube watermelons is popular in Japan. However, the cube watermelons are often very expensive and therefore are sold more as an ornamental novelty.

                          Square watermelons were intended to fit more compactly in fridges and be able to be cut more easily (without rolling). They were invented by graphic designer Tomoyuki Ono in 1978.

The heart-shaped watermelon:

            Hiroichi Kimura, the farmer who has developed the heart-shaped watermelon, was surprised by the result. Mr. Kimura, the 3rd generation to work the family farm, took over the business in his twenty's. When asked why he chose to take over the family business, " There was nothing else I wanted to do :) " He says modestly. Getting to know Mr. Kimura, you get a sense of his passion for making watermelon.

Buddha shape melon:

        Buddha shape melon ,was shaped by Buddha shape mold ,it is sweet and great look ...

This is the perfect activity for kids and a great way to have fun in your garden. It’s easy to grow other square shaped fruits and vegetables too. All you need are some square molds or containers.

Sources : fruitmould.com & Google
Different shaped Watermelon Different shaped Watermelon Reviewed by Vinoth Vellaisamy on April 03, 2018 Rating: 5

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